Bit Sets: An introduction to bit manipulation
Bit sets — also known as bit arrays or bit vectors — are a highly compact data structure that stores a list of bits. They are often used to represent a set of integers or an array of booleans.
In addition to their memory-compactness, bit sets support extremely performant boolean operations like unions and intersections, achieved through the use of bitwise operations.
In this 2-part series on bit sets, we'll walk through implementing a BitSet
from scratch in JavaScript.
- This post covers the basics of bitwise operators and bit manipulation. We'll use that knowledge to implement a basic
class. - In part 2 we'll add the ability to iterate over bit sets extremely quickly by exploiting two's complement and Hamming weights.
The post assumes that you're somewhat familiar with binary numbers, so refresh your memory if you haven't used them for a while.
With that out of the way, let's get started!
Bit masks
Bit masks allow us to compactly store multiple booleans in a single number. You may know bit masks as bit flags or bit fields.
// This binary number...00001001// equivalent to this array of booleans[ true, false, false, true, false, false, false, false ]
Binary numbers are read right-to-left, following bit ordering from least-significant to most-significant
Each bit in the bit mask corresponds to a single boolean — 1 representing true, and 0 representing false.
In the following example, we'll represent a user's permissions using a bit mask. Certain positions in the bit mask correspond to specific permissions (e.g. READ
). If the corresponding bit is set to 1, the user has the permission, otherwise, they don't.
// The '0b' prefix denotes a binary numbersconst READ = 0b0001;const UPDATE = 0b0010;const CREATE = 0b0100;const DELETE = 0b1000;function canRead(permissions: number) {return (permissions & READ) !== 0;}function canUpdate(permissions: number) {return (permissions & UPDATE) !== 0;}canRead(0b1100);//=> falsecanRead(0b0101);//=> true
is the bitwise AND operator. It returns a new number where the bits are set to 1 if both of the input bits are 1.
Input 0101 0101 0101Bit mask & 0001 & 0010 & 0100------------------------------------Output 0001 0000 0100
If the input numbers have no bits in common with the bit mask, the &
operation will yield 0.
const BIT_MASK = 0b0010;function secondBitIsSetToOne(input: number) {return (input & BIT_MASK) !== 0;}
is another operator, representing bitwise OR. It returns a new number where the bits are set to one if either of the input bits is 0.
Input 0101 0101 0101Bit mask | 0001 | 0010 | 0100------------------------------------Output 0101 0111 0101
We can use it to, for example, set specific bits to one.
const READ = 0b0001;function addReadPermission(permissions: number) {return permissions | READ;}addReadPermission(0b0010);//=> 0b0011
We can now add permissions, but what about removing them?
We can set bits to 0 through the use of the bitwise NOT operator ~
, a unary operator that flips all of the bits in the number:
Unary means that it takes a single operand, as opposed to two.
Input ~0101 ~1000 ~0001-------------------------------Output 1010 0111 1110
We can use NOT to create an inverse bit mask that passes through all but one bit:
const READ = 0b0001;const UPDATE = 0b0010;console.log(~READ)//=> 0b1110console.log(~UPDATE)//=> 0b1101
Using this in conjunction with AND, we can set specific bits to zero:
const READ = 0b0001;function removeReadPermission(permissions: number) {return permissions & ~READ;}removeReadPermission(0b0011);//=> 0b0010
We can also create groups of permissions using OR:
const OWNER = READ | UPDATE | CREATE | DELETE; // 0b1111const EDITOR = READ | UPDATE | CREATE; // 0b1011const VIEWER = READ; // 0b0001
And use them to see if a user has a set of permissions, or provide a user with a set of permissions:
function isEditor(permissions: number) {return (permissions & EDITOR) === EDITOR;}function addEditorPermissions(permissions: number) {return permissions | EDITOR;}
We can also see which permissions users have in common:
function commonPermissions(a: number, b: number) {return a & b;}
Limits of bit masks
Bit masks are great, but their capacity is limited. JavaScript only supports 32-bit integers, so a bit mask can only store 32 bits.
This is where bit sets come in. Once you need to store more than 32 booleans (or 64, depending on the language) you can use an array of integers to make the number of bits arbitrarily large.
[ 0b00010011, 0b01100000, ... ]
Implementing a bit set
The integers that store the bits of our bit set are called words, so we'll store a words
array in our BitSet
class BitSet {private words: number[];}
Any set data structure will need a few basic operations:
- Add an element
- Remove an element
- Check for the presence of an element
The elements of a bit set are non-negative integers that correspond to a bit index. If the bit at index N
is set to 1, then N
is considered to be in the set.
Considering that, we can create a skeleton for our BitSet
class BitSet {private words: number[];add(index: number) {// Set some bit to '1'}remove(index: number) {// Set some bit to '0'}has(index: number) {// Return true if some bit is set to '1'}}
Each bit will be stored in some individual word
in words
. Consider how the words
array is structured:
[ 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000 ]// The `0b` prefix is omitted for clarity, and we're using// 8 bits instead of 32 for readability
We can map each bit to an absolute index:
[ 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000 ]│││││││└ 0 │││││││└ 8 │││││││└ 16 │││││││└ 24││││││└─ 1 ││││││└─ 9 ││││││└─ 17 ││││││└─ 25│││││└── 2 │││││└── 10 │││││└── 18 │││││└── 26││││└─── 3 ││││└─── 11 ││││└─── 19 ││││└─── 27│││└──── 4 │││└──── 12 │││└──── 20 │││└──── 28││└───── 5 ││└───── 13 ││└───── 21 ││└───── 29│└────── 6 │└────── 14 │└────── 22 │└────── 30└─────── 7 └─────── 15 └─────── 23 └─────── 31
Each word is indexed right-to-left, following bit ordering from least-significant to most-significant
But to find a single bit in a specific word
, we need to convert the input index into two indices:
- The index of the
. - The index of the bit in
// word 0 word 1 word 2 word 3[ 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000 ]// 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
Parsing an input index
Since JavaScript only supports 32-bit integers, we'll define a WORD_LEN
constant with the value 32.
const WORD_LEN = 32;
Because WORD_LEN
is a power of two, the bit index within the word
will be the log2(WORD_LEN)
least significant bits of index
, which yields a value of 5.
Math.log2(WORD_LEN)//=> 50b00000//=> 0 (1st bit)0b11111//=> 31 (32nd bit)
The rest of the bits in index
(leftmost) specify the word index.
00000000000 // word index~~~~~~~~~~~0000000000000000 // input index~~~~~00000 // bit index
When all of the bits in the bit index region are set to 1, we get a word index of 0 and a bit index of 31, corresponding to the 32nd bit.
00000000000 = 0 // word index~~~~~~~~~~~0000000000011111 = 31 // input index~~~~~11111 = 31 // bit index// 32nd bit
If we increment the input index by 1, we get a word index of 1 and a bit index of 0, corresponding to the 33rd bit.
00000000001 = 1 // word index~~~~~~~~~~~0000000000100000 = 32 // input index~~~~~00000 = 0 // bit index// 33rd bit
This works for any input index. An input index
of 100 corresponds to 0b1100100
in binary. Broken down, we get a word index of 3 and a bit index of 4, corresponding to the 101st bit.
00000000011 = 3 // word index~~~~~~~~~~~0000000001100100 = 100 // input index~~~~~00100 = 4 // bit index// 101st bit
We can verify this by computing (3 * 32) + 4
const wordIndex = 3;const bitIndex = 4;(wordIndex * 32) + bitIndex//=> 100
So to compute the word index, we need to shift the bits in the input index right by 5 (i.e. log2(WORD_LEN)
) so that the word index bits become the rightmost (least-significant) bits.
We can do this with the >>
const wordIndex = index >> 5;
is the bitwise right shift operator. It returns the input number with its bits shifted right by N places:
const input = 0b01100100;input >> 5//=> 0b00000011
This can be illustrated like so:
// This expression...0b01100100 >> 5// ...corresponds to the following01100100011>>>>>>>>>>01100000011
As we learned earlier, the number 5 corresponds to the base 2 logarithm of 32.
Math.log2(32)//=> 5
Let's put it in a WORD_LOG
constant for readability.
const WORD_LEN = 32;const WORD_LOG = Math.log2(WORD_LEN);
Computing the bit index is quite simple: we take the 5 least-significant bits from index
using bitwise AND:
const bitIndex = index & 0b11111;
This sets any bits left of the 5 least significant bits to zero.
And with that, we know how to parse an input index
into word and bit indices:
const wordIndex = index >> WORD_LOG;const bitIndex = index & 0b11111;
We can now get to implementing some of the methods of BitSet
The add
method should set the bit at index
to 1. This bit will live in some individual word
, which we can access via wordIndex
class BitSet {add(index: number) {const wordIndex = index >> WORD_LOG;const bitIndex = index & 0b11111;// ...}}
Given an integer, we can set the bit at a specific index to 1 like so:
function setBitAtIndexToOne(input: number, index: number) {return input | (1 << index);}setBitAtIndexToOne(0b00000000, 2);//=> 0b00000100setBitAtIndexToOne(0b00000000, 5);//=> 0b00100000
is the bitwise left shift operator, which returns the input number with its bits shifted left by N places.
The expression 1 << index
creates a bit mask with the bit at index
set to one.
1 << 2;//=> 0b000001001 << 0;//=> 0b000000011 << 6;//=> 0b01000000
Applying this bit mask to our word using bitwise OR will set the bit at bitIndex
to 1.
this.words[wordIndex] |= (1 << bitIndex);
With that, we have our implementation:
class BitSet {add(index: number) {const wordIndex = index >> WORD_LOG;const bitIndex = index & 0b11111;this.words[wordIndex] |= (1 << bitIndex);}}
However, there is one simplification we can make. Because the bitwise shift operators <<
and >>
operate on 32-bit integers, the maximum shift possible is 31 (from 32nd to 1st bit, or 1st to 32nd bit).
The ECMAScript standard states:
Let shiftCount be ℝ(rnum) modulo 32.
In other words, only read the 5 least-significant bits which represent 0 to 31; all other bits are dismissed. This means that we don't need to compute bitIndex
and can left shift on index
class BitSet {add(index: number) {const wordIndex = index >> WORD_LOG;this.words[wordIndex] |= (1 << index);}}
In implementing BitSet.remove
, we want to set a specific bit to zero. We've already seen how this was done in a previous example:
const READ = 0b0001;function removeReadPermission(permissions: number) {return permissions & ~READ;}removeReadPermission(0b0011);//=> 0b0010
As we did in BitSet.add
, we'll use 1 << index
to create a bit mask for a specific bit.
1 << 4//=> 0b00010000
We then invert that bit mask using bitwise NOT:
~(1 << 4)//=> 0b11101111
And then apply this inverse bit mask via bitwise AND:
const word = 0b01111100;word & ~(1 << 4)//=> 0b01101100
With that, our implementation of BitSet.remove
looks like so:
class BitSet {remove(index: number) {const wordIndex = index >> WORD_LOG;this.words[wordIndex] &= ~(1 << index);}}
The BitSet.has
method should return true if a specific bit is set to 1, and false otherwise.
We saw how this is done earlier in this post:
const READ = 0b0001;function canRead(permissions: number) {return (permissions & READ) !== 0;}
As before, we create a bit mask using left shift and apply it using bitwise AND.
const word = 0b11011100;word & (1 << 4)//=> 0b00010000
If the result is non-zero, the bit is set to 1.
class BitSet {has(index: number) {const wordIndex = index >> WORD_LOG;return (this.words[wordIndex] & (1 << index)) !== 0;}}
Handling edge cases
One easy edge case to run into is wordIndex
being out-of-bounds. That problem can be resolved by adding a resize
method that ensures that the words
array encompasses wordIndex
class BitSet {set(index: number) {const wordIndex = index >> WORD_LOG;this.resize(wordIndex);// ...}private resize(wordIndex: number) {// Make 'this.words' encompass 'wordIndex'}}
I won't cover other edge cases in this post. If you're interested, feel free to explore my full implementation of BitSet
on GitHub.
Next up: Iteration
We covered a lot of ground in this post!
Next up in our bit set journey is iterating over bits. We'll learn how exploiting two's complement and Hamming weights enables us to make our iteration extremely fast!
See you in part 2: Iterating over Bit Sets quickly
— Alex Harri